You will find our answers to the most common questions here.
What is Picton Panel?
Community First uses panels of people (individuals and representatives of organisations) to help make decisions about the use of the funding. There is also a Panel Partner which is a local organisation which hosts and supports the Panel. For Picton ward, Granby Toxteth Development Trust has agreed to be the Panel Partner.
The Panel's main role is to consider grant applications from local organisations and to make recommendations to the Community Development Foundation (CDF). If the CDF agrees with the recommendation, it will provide the grant to the local organisation.
What are the rules of Picton Panel?
Picton Panel will follow the guidance set down by the Community Development Foundation. It has also set out its own Terms of Reference which you can read here.
How much can we apply for?
Between £250 and £2,500. We suggest that you think at the lower end of this range. Our total budget for the first year is £5,624 so a project would need to be exceptional to be awarded £2,500.
Which projects will be funded?
The Panel drawn up a simple list of priorities for the local area - you can see these these by clicking on the Priorities tab. They are also listed at question 3 on the Proposal Form. In order to be supported, projects will need to help towards one of these priorities.
Later, following more consultation with local people, the Panel will draw up a Community First Plan which will provide more detailed criteria against which projects will be assessed.In deciding which projects to support, the Panel will also look at impact and value for money.For example, if you are requesting a larger amount of funding we would expect your project to make a greater contribution towards the priorities.
Does the Panel prefer applications from any particular groups?
No. The Picton Panel is fully committed to the principles of equal opportunities and applications are welcome from all parts of the local community.
However, your group must be eligible to receive Community First monies. The funding is intended to support local voluntary, community or faith groups. Public sector or statutory bodies and private sector companies are not eligible to receive Community First monies. Not-for-profit organisations which are controlled by public or private sector bodies will not be supported either.
Where do I collect an Application Pack from?
We will not be producing printed application packs because they are expensive and doing so would reduce the amount of money available for projects. All the information that you need to make an application, along with the Proposal Form, are on this website. This means that you download the Proposal Form, fill it in on a computer and email it to us. We will usually communicate with you by email rather than sending letters or phoning you. This will minimise the environmental impact as well as the cost.
If you are not happy using a computer, perhaps another member of your group or a friend can help you. If you haven't got a computer of your own, try your local library or UKonline Centre - there's one at Granby Toxteth Development Trust on Lodge Lane and it is completely free! If that's not convenient for you, find your nearest UKonline Centre here.
Does the Panel look after the money?
No. The Panel never touches the money. It receives applications, considers them against local priorities and makes recommendations to the Community Development Foundation (CDF). If the CDF agrees with the recommendation, it will provide the grant directly to the local organisation.
Can individuals apply?
No. This fund is only for constituted groups. If you have a good idea for a project we suggest you speak to local groups and see if they are interested in applying for a grant.
You should also be aware that the fund is intended to stimulate voluntary activity, so we do not expect to see costs such as wages, salaries, consultancy, tutors or advisors. We would expect workers and professional advisors to give their services free of charge so that your project can genuinely be regarded as a volunteer-based project.
You should be aware that the Panel is unlikely to support applications which will benefit individuals financially.
How do I contact Picton Panel?
The easiest way is to click on the Contact Us link at the top of the page. It might take a few days to reply to you because the Panel is made up entirely of volunteers. Being a Panel member is not a 'job', it is something that Panel members do as volunteers over and above their other work/life commitments.
How do I follow what Picton Panel is doing?
By visiting this website often. As our work develops we will publish more details. In particular we will publish:
- details of the local priorities against which applications will be considered
- details of all applications received and their progress
- how much money has been spent and how much is left
- the progress of the Community First Plan