Community First is a Government funded programme administered by the Community Development Foundation, designed to support local community, voluntary and faith groups in bringing positive change in their communities.
Picton ward has been granted £33,910 over four years. Grants awarded will aim to:
- Support local projects that improve the quality of life for local people
- Promote a sense of ownership not only of problems but of local opportunities
- Start more neighbourhood groups and revitalise existing groups
- Introduce a new approach to funding projects, leveraging time, money and other resources and helping neighbourhoods to play a leading role in regenerating their area
An example of a recycling project, created through a community initiative |
This will result in:
- Communities being able to help themselves and others
- Neighbourhood groups that are better able to express their needs and influence decisions made about that community
- Neighbourhood groups that are better able to take control of resources needed to make a difference – enhancing confidence, capability and partnership
All funding must be matched by the applicant. In other words, Community First will pay a maximum of half of the project cost and your group must provide the other half. However, you can include the value of volunteer time (at the rate of £11.09 per person per hour) in your group's contribution. This is explained more in the Guidance for Applicants.
Grants can be between £250 and £2,500 per project in any one year. Applicants must be organisations which are constituted, not-for-profit and non-statutory.
The Picton Panel will work with the local Community Organisers and local groups to gain an understanding of local strengths and neeeds. The Panel has identified priorities for spending over the four years, against which all bids for funding will be assessed. Over the course of the four years these priorities will be reviewed and refined as local needs change.
You can find more information about the Community First matched funding programme on the Community Development Fund website.