Monday, 11 November 2013

Sixth Panel Meeting

The sixth Panel Meeting was held at 11.00am on 11 November 2013.

Present at the Panel Meeting: Ivan Freeman, Lindsey Guy, Pearl Mann and Vidah Owusu
In attendance: Chris Starkey

Panel members were advised that the Panel meeting had been delayed owing to the 2013-14 funding not yet being released. GTDT was looking into the reason for this. Any applications recommended for approval would only be passed on to CDF once there was confidence that funding would be forthcoming.

There have been 9 applications to the Picton Panel.

1 Cullen Street Green Harmony Association

The application was to fund the construction of a pergola within the association's garden. The Panel asked for additional information about the openness of access to the facility for non-members. There was also a need to detail the proposed budget as this had not been included in the original application. Deferred, to be reconsidered once the additional information is available.

2 Proud of Liverpool

The application was for a project to encourage time-banking. The Panel was unclear why the project would have a good fit with Priority C (helping to encourage a more healthy lifestyle). Deferred, to be reconsidered once applicant has clarified.

3 Sanctuary Family Support

The application was a re-submission for residential weekends. The Panel was still concerned that the applicant had not demonstrated why the project would benefit the local area. Deferred, to be reconsidered once applicant has clarified.

4 Steve Biko Tenants Gardening Club

An application to support a local and active gardening club by providing essential equipment. The Panel believed that this project has a good fit with the Priority and will deliver tangible benefits to the local community. Recommend for funding.


The Panel had two concerns with this application: first, the budget included payment for a paid facilitator which the Panel is reluctatnt to support; second, the number of beneficiaries was low and the value for money was therefore doubtful. Not recommended for approval.

6 Liverpool Community Spirit

The applicant had delivered a successful project in year one of the programme and this is essentially a repeat application. The Panel was happy to support this an to recommend for funding.

Panel Membership

It was agreed that there should be a place on the Panel for one Liverpool City Council Ward Support Officer. This would simplify liaison between the Panel and the Council regarding the risk of double funding project which have also received support from the various neighbourhood funds.