Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Fourth Panel Meeting

The fourth Panel Meeting was held at 12.00 noon on 29 January 2013.

Present at the Panel Meeting: Ivan Freeman, Lindsey Guy, Pearl Mann and Vidah Owusu
In attendance: Cllr Nathalie Nicholas, Chris Starkey

There have been 2 applications to the Picton Panel.


This was a resubmission of an application made to the first Panel. The Panel was happy that the application had been reworked in accordance with their previous requests. There remained a small number of outstanding queries which were not covered in the application. The Panel agreed that LG should liaise with the applicant on these. Recommended for approval subject to LG being satisfied with the responses from the applicant.

2  Liverworld Community Sports

 The Panel was satisfied that thios project had a good fit with the priorities but there were a number of technical errors in the application, such as insufficient match-funding. It was agreed that CS would offer to assist the applicant with a revised application which would address the technical errors. Recommended for approval, subject to satisfactory responses on the technical errors.

The Panel noted that there was still funding to be committed before 31 March and agreed to encourage local groups to apply in time for the next Panel Meeting, to take place towards the end of March.